Thursday 27 June 2013

COM 330 Advanced HTML questions and answers:

Advanced HTML questions and answers:

11      What is Java script: It is a scripting language/ programming language that is interpreted or compiled each time it is run. It ie embedded in HTML Pages.
22       State and describe 8 php data types.
a.       Boolean types are the simplest PHP data types. They have only two possible values and they are true and false
b.      Integer types may contain any whole number.
c.       Float or Double types may contain any decimal number.
d.      String types can contain any number of characters
e.      Array types are essentially ordered maps in PHP. They are made up of key/value pairs.
f.        Object types are the instances of class definitions.
g.       Resource types are normally some link to an external resource that is supplying PHP with data or receiving data from PHP. This link may be to a socket connection, for example, a database connection, a connection to an external or shared library like an image resource, or even a connection to a file handler that’s reading from disk or some stream.
h.      Null types only have one possible value and that’s null. It is a special type that signifies the absence of value.
33       Describe the design principles of a website:
a.       Contrast: Great contrast can leave a very good impression to the user. This involves choosing images, color and fonts wisely.
b.      Repetition: Repeating design elements helps create a consistent look and improves branding. In web design a great way to achieve this is by repeating elements in the header and footer.
c.       Alignment: Alignment plays an intricate role in taking your site designs from looking amateur to professional.
d.      Proximity: The last principle is proximity. This has to do with grouping like elements together and separating those that are not.
44  What are the key things in reveal site content in homepage usability:
1.       Make the Site's Purpose Clear: Explain Who You Are and What You Do
a.       Include a one sentence tagline
b.      Write a Window Title with Good Visibility in Search Engines and Bookmark Lists
c.       Group all Corporate Information in One Distinct Area

2.       Help Users Find What They Need
a.       Emphasize the Site's Top High-Priority Tasks
b.      Include a Search Input Box
3.       Reveal Site Content
a.       Show Examples of Real Site Content
b.      Begin Link Names with the Most Important Keyword
c.       Offer Easy Access to Recent Homepage Features
4.       Use Visual Design to Enhance, not Define, Interaction Design
a.       Don't Over-Format Critical Content, Such as Navigation Areas
b.      Use Meaningful Graphics
5.       Show how an external Java script can be used
<script src="xxx.js"></script>
6.       What questions do you need to ask when considering website usability?
a.       Who are the users, what do they know, and what can they learn?
b.      What do users want or need to do?
c.       What is the general background of the users?
d.      What is the context in which the user is working?
e.      What has to be left to the machine?
f.        Can user easily accomplish task in given time?
g.       The disabled users can use it?
7.       Give the breadcrumb navigation design consideration.
a.       What should be used to separate link items?
b.      How big should it be?
c.       Where should breadcrumbs be located?
8.       State and outline the elements of a webpage.
a)      Webpage title
b)      URL of the page shown
c)       Information on the page
d)      Style of the page, visual elements, font, colour, navigation tools, footers
e)      Layout of the page
f)       links
9.       What technology is used in eye tracking?
a.       Directly observation of eye
b.      Invasive mechanic methods
c.       Video of eye movement
d.      Electrooculography
e.      Photoelectric method
10.   Outline the following in relation to precedence as used in web page design:
·         White space/ Negative space: Areas within once design that are not used. Space around and between the subject. Also referred to space on a page that was not printed.
o   Use of white space helps in scanning different sections of websites and web pages.
o   Gives a chance for the eye to rest.
o   It increases readability
·         Padding: Space inside the border. Or space between the border and actual image or cell content
·         Margins: space outside the border between border and other objects.
11.   State and explain the three types of Breadcrumbs:
A breadcrumb is a Navigation aid used in user interface that allows users to trace or keep track of their location.
a.       Path: To show path users have taken to arrive at a particular page
b.      Location: static. To show the user where they are in the website hierarchy.
c.       Attribute: display attributes of a particular page.
12.   You can place unlimited number of scripts in your document, so that you have scripts in both the body and the head sections. Show how this can be implemented using Java code.

<script type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">

 13. describe the key things used to evaluate websites:

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